Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

In the Kafkaesque world of water sanitation: “How can we hide quotes over 30,000 euros?”

By b0oua Apr 6, 2024

In order to make the Seine and Marne rivers suitable for swimming, riverfront households are now required to connect to the sewer network, which can be extremely chaotic at times and will cost them an absurd amount of money.

They were not more concerned than that by the letter that the department sent in August 2019. The conformity of their sanitation is something that a design office needs to evaluate. In order to ensure that the triathlon and open water swimming competitions that will be performed in the Seine at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games are able to take place, it is necessary to modernize two wastewater treatment plants and enhance the storage capacity in the event of severe rain. But it is also a priority to improve the connections of approximately 23,000 households, which are in poor condition.

In the event that the residence does not have adequate connections, the wastewater will be discharged into the river. The Ru Saint-Baudile watershed, which is located around Gagny in the Seine-Saint-Denis region, and the Ru de la Lande watershed, which is located near Champigny and Saint-Maur in the Val-de-Marne region, are two watersheds that are of particular significance. Those who reside in Neuilly-Plaisance, which is located in Seine-Saint-Denis, are right on target. They set up a scheduled appointment.

These inadequate connections are frequently the result of the fast urbanization that occurred in the era following the war. There are occasions when a negligent businessperson is the one who connects himself to the first pipe, which occurs during the process of plot partition. At the residence of Olivier Brossard, his partner, and their three neighbors on Avenue Danielle-Casanova, it is more accurate to say that there is no separating network. This house, which dates back to the 19th century and is situated in the front of a shaded plot, is the location of the neighborhood. In the past, there was a physician who resided there. Three apartment buildings have been constructed there since that time. The first room is occupied by the couple along with their two children. A lady who is not married, the second. Back there, in what could have been barns, there are two retirees who have made their home.

When spring 2022 arrives, a design office verifies that the installation does not comply with the requirements. Our intervention is necessary, but you can be confident that the Seine-Normandie water agency is providing financial assistance. A contract has been established with the corporations, and the department is in charge of the rest. When they received the company’s quote in the middle of July, the situation significantly worsened. “37,537.50 euros including tax,” or more accurately, “32,537.50 euros” after aid has been subtracted from the total amount. The deadline for their response is fifteen days, and they have two years to complete the work. There are a significant number of homes on the street that are impacted.

This past week, I had the privilege of traveling to India to visit a number of WaterAid and WWF projects that were located in different parts of the country. It was a great adventure, and I can confidently say that it was the most incredible trip of my entire life.

In Lucknow, we saw the opposite side of the coin, where the Bharat Puri community does not have any hygiene and sanitation facilities close to their homes or clean water to drink. We visited a local community in Sukhapurwa, which is located in the northern part of India. There, they have access to water pumps and toilets, which enables them to go to work and get sick less frequently. HSBC and WaterAid are collaborating in order to significantly enhance their existing circumstances and bring about a change in their life.

There are still one in nine individuals throughout the world who do not have access to clean water, yet more people have access to mobile phones than there are to private restrooms. As a result of the HSBC Water Programme, these communities in India now have access to healthy drinking water as well as a toilet. In the not too distant future, a great number of additional communities will join them because water is happiness.

I also had the chance to go to some of the local farms and gain a better understanding of the irrigation systems that are utilized there to irrigate the mustard and sugar cane plants, which are two of the most important sources of revenue.

Stunning natural scenery can be seen throughout India. I was able to witness the entire life that occurs along this holy river; I witnessed burial ceremonies, praying, fishing, and washing their clothes on the river bank, to name a few of the activities that I witnessed while on the boat trip there. The Ganga River is a beautiful river that is full of life, and I realized in just a couple of hours that this river is very important to the local community. The opportunity to view the Gharial from a distance was a once in a lifetime experience for us, and we were quite fortunate to have it.

In addition, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is doing an excellent job of protecting seven endangered species in the Ganga. These species include river dolphins, Indian crocodiles (Gharials), and three different kinds of freshwater turtles. In addition to this, they are trying to educate people about the importance of animal conservation through the use of their newly opened interpretation center in Hastinapur.

After spending a week in India, I returned home as a completely different person, and I am convinced that there is still a chance for them to find success. The fact that I have witnessed these projects and had conversations with members of the community has made me feel even more inspired to continue my support for this cause, which is extremely near and dear to my heart.

In order to educate people about WaterAid and collect money for the organization, my current objective is to complete seven marathons across seven continents, including Antarctica. In the event that you are interested in following my progress, please go to

Due to the fact that water is a fundamental human right, I will not stop running until we are able to offer water and sanitation to all people everywhere.

recommendations that were included in an Outcome Report from the Panel, which was gathered in January 2016 by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the World Bank Group.

A statement made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, stated that “world leaders now recognize that we face a global water crisis and that we need to reassess how we value and manage water.” The suggestions of the panel have the potential to contribute to the protection of water resources and the realization of providing everyone with access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation.

The water situation includes many different aspects, according to the findings of the Panel. Water scarcity is affecting forty percent of the world’s population at the present time, and there is a possibility that as many as seven hundred million people will be forced to relocate as a result of severe water scarcity by the year 2030. Approximately two billion people are forced to drink water that is contaminated, and over four and a half billion people do not have access to sanitation facilities that are handled in a safe manner.

Women and girls are disproportionately affected when there is a lack of water and sanitation, which has a negative impact on their health and also limits their possibilities for employment and education. Approximately eighty percent of wastewater is dumped into the environment without being treated, and water-related disasters are responsible for ninety percent of the one thousand natural disasters that have been the most devastating since 1990.

According to Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group, “the ecosystems on which life itself is based – our food security, energy sustainability, public health, jobs, cities – are all at risk because of how water is managed today.” Because the world can no longer afford to take water for granted, the work of this panel was carried out at the level of leaders of state and government.

As part of the proposals to address these concerns, the Panel is calling for evidence-based policies and innovative ways at the global, national, and local level. The goal of these policies and initiatives is to make water management and water and sanitation services more attractive for investment and more resilient to natural disasters. In addition, the Panel recommends the implementation of policies that will make it possible to increase investments in water infrastructure by at least twofold over the course of the following five years.

The report of the Panel outlines a new strategy for catalyzing change and fostering partnerships and cooperation. It explains why an integrated and inclusive approach that involves sectors such as agriculture as well as other stakeholders, such as city mayors, is required. The argument that is made in the paper is that it is necessary to have ways of working together with different groups, such as governments, communities, the corporate sector, and researchers.

The members of the panel come to the following conclusion in an open letter: “Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you live, we urge you to get involved and contribute to meeting this great challenge: safe water and sanitation for all, and our water resources managed in a sustainable manner.” Get the most out of every drop. Now is the moment to take action.


By b0oua

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